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DejavúDejavú is our Golden Retriever. He was born on April 6, 2002. We called him Dejavú because we knew he was the one as soon as we saw him. |
Here I've catalogued by topic the web pages about dogs I've found most relevant and interesting.
Karen Pryor is one of the pioneers in bringing operant conditioning (OC) and clickers into dog training. At her Clicker Basics page you'll find introductory information about what OC and clicker training means. With those ideas on your mind, you can then move on to some books about humane and effective ways of dog training.
The Mind Games, by M. Shirley Chong, are a series of simple tactics you can apply if your doggy has somehow began to think he's the one who rules your home. You can apply them selectively or all at once. Some trainers say that it's good to apply them on every dog every once in a while. There's a translation of the Mind Games article to Spanish right here (hay una traducción al español de lo Juegos Mentales aquí).
M. Shirley Chong also hosts the Clicktrain mailing list, where many trainers and dog owners meet to share their experiences on training methods based on operant conditioning, positive reinforcement, and clicker training. The Keeper Pages are a collection of insightful messages posted to the list, and is a "must read".
At the Clickertales site you'll find Debi Davis and her mall service dogs. Debi herself is wheelchair bound, and, using clicker training, has successfully trained her dogs do carry on cores from picking up her keys from the floor to moving laundry from the dryer to the basket. Other links on this page will tell you more about clicker training.
At the Flying Dog Press site you'll find a series of very common sense articles about dog training by professional dog trainer and book author Susanne Clothier. Very worth reading.
The Obedience FAQ's and the Obedience Articles are a list of very informative articles about dog training by several authors. They are hosted at Doglogic.com, a site maintained by professional trainer Lyn Richards.
The Volhard Motivational Method is "an approach to training for people who like their dogs and who have them first and foremost as pets and companions. At the heart of the Motivational Method is the conviction that positive reinforcement is the most effective teaching tool. By rewarding the correct response, the dog is motivated to learn and training is made pleasant for both handler and dog."
The Volhards have published several books and videos, and they promote a holistic feeding program for dogs [this should go in a "health" section, I guess. JA].
This is an incredibly informative site about more than dogs:
"The Cambridge Center's mission is to help people find effective solutions to behavior problems. In essence, the Center is a connecting link between the research community and society, seeking to bridge this gap by sponsoring activities that disseminate and interpret behavioral research findings for the benefit of those in society whose problems involve human behavior – parents, teachers, doctors, counselors, judges, engineers, and corporate executives."
The National Academy Press has an online version of the 1985 a Report on Nutrient Requirements of Dogs made by the Committee on Animal Nutrition of the National Research Council, USA. There are sections on nutrient requirements and signs of deficiency, the role of water in nutrition, and about formulated diets for dogs, among others.
The Dog Breed Frequently Asked Questions is an index to a huge amount of breed-specific information. You'll find info about breed history, physical characteristics, character, personality, development, and health.
The page is actually just about Aga bragging about her really nice pets, but, once you're there, don't miss an excursion over the whole site. You'll likely enjoy it as much as I did.
The Fergus and Family site is beautiful web site with some incredible photos, advice, and links, about Leonberger dogs trained as service dogs and for water work. This is a place well worth exploring tip-to-toe (beware that you'll easily spend the whole day once you get hooked on the site).